Description of the courses I teach (or have taught).
GEOG452-652: Seminar in Climatology
GEOG452-652 is discussion-based course, focusing on the general theoretical and practical considerations of climatology research. Specifically, the course examines the key principles behind dominant modes of climate variability and forecasting on timescales beyond weather (greater than 10-day lead). The course will cover the following topics: Atmospheric General Circulation, Atmospheric and Ocean Large-scale Dynamics, Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction, Atmosphere-Land Interaction, Earth System Modeling, Natural Climate Change, and Anthropogenic (human-caused) Climate Change. The course may contain some content on chemical and biological processes relevant to atmosphere science and oceanography. Students are expected to read materials before class and participate in in-class discussions. Assignments will include writing short reports reflecting on journal article and science blog readings, making climate forecasts, and interpreting climate data.